A few weeks ago two monographs were published in book format on the results of the research carried out from the previous research project called PROFMUS on the training of music teachers for today’s knowledge society and economy. With respect to the training of music teachers in Primary Education, María Cecilia Jorquera Jaramillo, member of the project and professor at the University of Seville, has been the coordinator of the work entitled Música en Educación Primaria: la formación inicial del profesorado (Music in Primary Education: initial teacher training). It contains different chapters that reflect, with empirical data, the current training of music teachers in primary education. This written work is intended, on the one hand, to help us become aware of what is happening in the initial training of music teachers in different parts of Spain, and, on the other hand, to provide information to implement improvements in the teaching and training of these teachers, or, perhaps, for the development of teacher training policies based on real data. You can find more information about the book at the following link: https://octaedro.com/libro/musica-en-educacion-primaria-la-formacion-inicial-del-profesorado/
On the other hand, Óscar Casanova López, member of the project and professor at the University of Zaragoza, has coordinated the work dedicated to collecting the empirical data of the project’s research on the training of music teachers at the Secondary Education stage. In this book entitled La formación inicial consecutiva del profesorado. La Música en Educación Secundaria (Consecutive initial teacher training. Music in Secondary Education) addresses the theoretical, practical and pedagogical foundations that support this training, along with the challenges, trends and opportunities in the training process of this teacher in Spain. This work has a multidimensional and evidence-based approach that aims to contribute to the advancement of educational quality, the broadening of methodological horizons and the enrichment of the lives of students and Spanish society as a whole. You can learn more about the book at the following link: https://octaedro.com/libro/la-formacion-inicial-consecutiva-del-profesorado/